The many ways to say “I love you”
Ferreira Gullar and Cláudia Ahimsa
Ferreira Gulllar (1930-2016) was an important Brazilian intellectual, mostly known as a poet and art critic, formed a renowned couple with the poet and art critic Claudia Ahimsa.
As muitas maneiras de dizer “eu te amo” [The many ways to say “I love you”] rises from a gift. Claudia Ahimsa’s first present to Ferreira Gullar was a notebook for sketching. Years later, he returned this very notebook to her with 30 of his drawings and the inscription that names this editorial project.
The facsimile notebook, printed on the same paper quality as the original (Canson C à grain), is accompanied by a prose text by Claudia Ahimsa in a special edition with Japanese bookbinding. There are also some surprises the widow made available from her archive. The intimist curatorship reveals some of the love story experienced by the two poets. “I’ve changed the order: drawings tell the story, while memories are illustrations.”